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Why don’t unsuccessful people write Books?

Pulakit Bararia

Updated: Apr 26, 2024

Many of you must have read some articles about successful l people, their stories about there there success, and their ideology but has anyone ever read a book about unsuccessful people, their failures, and the reasons why they failed?

Close your eyes and think of three successful people.

you might think about-

  1. Elon musk

  2. Jeff Bezos

  3. Jack ma

Now do the same and think about three unsuccessful people and think about their failures. I am pretty sure very few people will be able to name three unsuccessful people and their failures. Why is that? Why do we always read and learn about successful people but never acknowledge their failures? The answer to this is Media, Media is a place where the loudest and the most controversial people get the highest user base, We are not rational and we tend to fall into the traps of these people glorifying success.

“Success Is glorified, Faliure is Underrated”

Andrew Tate, his name is known by everybody for sure unless you live in the Stone Age, the reason for his success was glorifying it and being controversial. His statement and misogynistic views are the subject of controversy but still, he has his followers, who are paying him hundreds of dollars to get a course, a mere garbage, he is selling. It is not just Andrew Tate but hundreds of influencers who are making millions of dollars by selling and glorifying the taste of success to teenagers who are falling into this trap

Now let’s look at people like Adam Neumenn, ever heard of him …or let’s take Kendrick Bradley, Ever heard of them? Adam Neumann was the founder of WeWork and Kendrick Bradley was the founder of Zume, They all created amazing startups but failed because of several problems. Let’s take WeWork and Zume instance

Company: WeWork

Reason for failure: overexpansion, lack of systemic administration

Company: Zume

Reason for failure: Poor execution and farfetched idea

These are just two of the examples, over 99% of the startups failed. Each failure teaches something new.

“If you fail 1000 times you will learn 1000 new things”

Failure and fault are virtually inseparable in most households, organizations, and cultures. Every child learns at some point that admitting failure means taking the blame. That is why so few organizations have shifted to a culture of psychological safety in which the rewards of learning from failure can be fully realized.

Nuseir Yassin, a famous influencer known for Nas Daily had many failures in his career, He Was an Israeli-Palestinian and saw the escalation of the situation of the Conflict but because of opportunities he was able to get into Harward, He met good people and new faces and made relationships. He then started a new company that gave short-form news to people and became a journalist, the company failed and he had to start over again but he did not quit, He started a cloth rental business which gave clothes on rent for different occasions but he did that also failed, he then started his youtube channel Nas daily where he posted one-minute short videos every day, and did not miss even a single day that company took off and he became a millionaire and a celebrity

Jack wrote a proposal to develop a better test. 199 research labs rejected him. I’ll repeat that — 199 labs REJECTED him. Good thing he didn’t give up and good thing a lab finally said “Yes”. The 200th research lab — at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore — accepted him. At the lab, Jack Andraka developed a Pancreatic Cancer test 100 times better and 26,000 times less expensive than the current test. Jack’s invention will save tens of thousands of lives.

Michael Jordan, considered by many to be the greatest basketball player of all time, was devastated when he was cut from his high school varsity basketball team sophomore year. Good thing failure only inspired him to work harder.

“I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” (Credits : Google)

Steve Jobs was fired from the company he founded — Apple. He also failed with the NeXT computer company and Lisa's computer. When Jobs returned to Apple, he led the business to become the most profitable company in the US.

Elizabeth Blackwell was rejected from 29 medical schools. So, she went to visit the schools in person. She was told she should pretend to be a man because women weren’t fit to receive medical schooling. She refused. Blackwell was accepted by mistake by Hobart College (then Geneva Medical College), and she matriculated. Many MDs refused to work with her, but she persevered and graduated. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman to receive a medical degree in the U.S. (1849). She then built a medical practice, created a place where women could have medical internships (since many healthcare facilities didn’t welcome women), served impoverished families, and established the first medical college for women.

Walt Disney forged his birth certificate, so he would appear old enough to join the army during World War II. Joining the military was a way for him to escape a bad family life. After the military, he was laid off from his job at an ad agency. Walt’s first animation studio went bankrupt. When he finally developed a hit character, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, he lost all rights to his creation due to a poorly constructed contract with Universal. None of those stopped him. Walt went on to co-found The Walt Disney Company, which had $50.1 billion in 2017 revenue. Walt said, “All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all the troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.

Many people in today's world get dejected and depressed if their startup fails they tend to fall into the social media trap and read exaggerated books about success and tend to think that they are familiar with why there is a necessity there should be a book that teaches about why people failed now how they succeeded there should be dictionary on failures written by someone….

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