We all want our sites to be ranked at the top of any Google search but it unfortunately is not the case for all websites. In this article, we will learn a few Tactics to optimize your website for SEO to improve your ranking on Google search engine
What is SEO
SEO ( Search engine Optimization ) is the alteration you make to your website to rank your website highest on Google Search Engine.
SEO enables your website to have greater traffic which will ultimately increase the sales of the website. Although Google does not completely unveil how it ranks your website, by research and experimentation people have figured out methods you can use to optimize your website for search engines such as Google.
High-quality Links
High-quality links are one of the most important parts of SEO. Google wants to see that your website is from credible and a trusted source to ensure that Google watches how many links from other websites are rooting in your website, if many website links are rooting in your website it is proven that you are a credible source
It also works for Vice Versa, if you have many links rooting in other trusted and popular websites then the source is considered credible. Ensure that the links you are putting on your website are relevant and popular. If your Website is all about blogs, you can put links linking to blogs of other websites on the same topic.
Ensure that you don't add too many links to your website as it will be suspected as spam and won't be ranked high. You can check out Websites like Open Site Explorer which will help you regulate the links on your website.
Using Library Method
What do I mean by the library method? Consider your Website as a book in a library. Library implies all the websites on Google which is like a library. If you open any book there are chapters to it. Similarly, your website should have categories to along with a section called Featured section where you have the top content of your Website.
Your Website should have different categories for different kinds of posts or tools your website has to offer. One thing to make sure of is that the heading for the categories should be SEO Optimized. To make it optimized you can go to a website like https://moz.com/explorer where you can ensure that your heading is optimized
Making categories is useful whenever someone searches for some question. Google scans the category heading of your website which must be in H2 size and ranks your website on top for that particular answer hence the titles, subheadings, and category labels must be SEO-optimized.
Adding featured content is also very useful. Featured content is the top and highest performing aspect / Content of your website. If a person makes a Google search related to that featured content there is a higher chance of a greater ranking of your website on the search results
Your Website Design / Framework
If your website is slow then Google will never rate it higher. The average Website loading speed must be 5.3 Seconds, if your website loads slower than that, Google fears a lack of user satisfaction and hence does not rate it higher
If you use a font apart from Google font, The Web browser will take more time to load it as it has to download the font first making your website slow and affecting Google rating.
FCP and TTI. FCP stands for first contentful point and TTI stands for time to interact. FCT is the time it takes for text or image to load and TTI is the time taken for an element to load a click. Slow FCP or TTI can affect SEO and Google ratings.
Always post the images on the website in SVG format because SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics ) can be scaled easily depending on the device and does not need any additional memory thus increasing Website speed and positively affecting Google Search rating and SEO.
There are numerous ways to optimize your website for SEO, these are a few of them. If your website is not having a good search rating, I suggest doing a course on SEO. Hubspot offers good free courses on SEO - https://app.hubspot.com/academy/46021508/tracks/117/113/338?language=en
Also, do read intuitive Articles on my website
img credits: NisonCo PR and SEO | Unsplash
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