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The Number Trap

Pulakit Bararia

Imagine you have a bank account, where you are given 1000 bucks from the government every day according to its policy. The first day you will be very happy because you have got a free 1000 bucks every day. On the second day, you will again be happy. You can spend and invest every day as much as you want because you are getting 1000 rupees the next day. On the third day you won't be happy because, in the back of your mind, you will think to yourself, Why 1000 bucks why not 2000 bucks every day? At that exact moment, you are diving deeper into the number trap. Number trap is not about only Money, it is about a variety of things relating to numbers and your overachieving brain

We as humans attach a lot of love and affection towards numbers. The higher the number of followers on your Instagram account, the more elevated you feel. The higher the number of runs your favorite cricket team makes, The happier you feel. If your sales are not reaching the numbers you anticipated you would feel dejected and think about shutting down your business. We associate a lot of our happiness with numbers. There is no problem in associating your love with numbers, it will motivate you to strive higher. There is one caveat though. Numbers never end, it goes on till infinity. Our overachieving brain keeps aiming higher and higher until infinity and we make the mistake of postponing our happiness to reach this endless loop of numbers. The more you grieve not reaching the numbers you had earlier anticipated the more deep you are falling in the number app

Bob Marley once said - " Money is numbers. And numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, Your search for happiness will never end " The element that should make you feel happy is people, The relationships you have made with people, The people you have connected with and shared your thoughts. , The laughter you have had together with them should be the element that makes you truly happy. Money comes and goes. Money can get devalued but the friendship and relations you have with people cannot be devalued and rather make you happier than ever. If you focus on human interaction and your journey, do everything in your power to embrace it. You will be happier than ever



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