This short article explains great strategies to effectively write blog content and optimize it for SEO. So let's dive into it.
Create a basic Framework
Creating a basic framework is a very good strategy to add some sort of originality to your content. How to add a basic framework to your content?
Take a pen and pencil create a basic outline of your article and follow it in all your content. A basic framework can be like this -
Case 1
case 2
Your basic framework can be changed according to your content, for example, you can create a different framework for content relating to a startup and content relating to life hacks.
benefits of creating a framework can help to create uniformity in your content and also help cope with writer's block. It also helps while rereading your article and creating your final draft.
Whitespaces are your friends
Adding spaces in between your paragraph also helpful as it has a couple of benefits.
It helps to make your content organized and neat which will increase user traction . It will also help to increase your retention span if your article is 1000 words long and you add spaces in between 3-4 lines it will make it feel small and hence increase your retention time
It also helps in SEO to some extent as Google better recognizes content with more whitespace than the one with less whitespace as it somewhat certifies that it is not a spam article and hence increases your Google ranking in comparison to the one with less to no whitespaces throughout the article
Adding Images
Images have two main functions, one is that is are proven to attract users and increase retention time, and the other part is that they greatly help in SEO
Images from trusted sources such as Unsplash are marker relevant and safe according to Google and hence the article will be ranked higher in SEO than the one with fewer to no images. Adding meta description and captions to the image also helps to make the article more credible and helps in SEO, just make sure that the description and the caption are related to the article and that the links should be from a trusted source such as Wikipedia, etc.
The introduction and Layout must be Attractive
A user takes 5 seconds to scan a website or an article to determine whether it is useful to read the article or not to read article, hence the layout and the introduction must be as attractive as possible.
How to make the introduction Attractive? To make the introduction inviting make it as attention-grabbing as possible, and add some sort of suspense in the introduction to urge the reader the article to read the entire article or ask some sort of question for the user, it depends on what kind of article you are reading
The layout must be simple and elegant don't bug the article with ads and unnecessary recommendations try to keep the layout simple and as inviting as possible,
Colors are very important. Color must be by what kind of article you're writing you are writing out fun and exciting tru to make it as colorful as possible and if you want to write a business-related article make a black write or gold theme design. You can also change the color theme depending on the message
Thanks for reading this article
Image credits: Niklas Ohlrogge | Unsplash