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China one child Policy

Pulakit Bararia

one major problem that China is facing today is Population dynamics, China's one child policy has been causing a lot of problem as the age distribution has fumbled, china's one child policy has resulted in the elimination of nearly 400 million productive individuals Moreover, the rabidly anti-natal propaganda of the policy has helped to create a culture in which children are no longer valued but rather rejected as expensive luxuries, China birth rate is continued to be falling.fertility rate in 2022 was 1.09 children per woman, which only suggests that the real numbers are even lower. Instead, as the number of working-age Chinese declines, labor costs will rise, and an increasing proportion of the economy will go to caring for the growing population of elderly.

Other East Asian countries, like Japan and South Korea, also have rapidly aging populations. But unlike China, they have grown instead of old



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